To build airports, highways, buildings, bridges, or similar structures, construction engineering is applied by general contracting companies. It involves a planning phase and a management phase for the construction of such projects. Principles that shape the execution of the plans cover engineering and management, but also the construction company that undertakes the project should be knowledgeable about economics, business measures, and human performance.

Engineering construction is an important part when it comes to engineering and contracting because it defines the frame of the intended projects from all aspects from design and cost perspective, scheduling and planning, equipment selection, materials needed, and cost control.

In order to finish any project undertaken, whether commercial, residential, public, or private, certain tasks have to be achieved daily, on the short-term and on the long-term. Those tasks include analyzing reports containing topographical information, utilizing computer software for completing design structures, and maintaining the site conditions. Another task performed before the construction takes place is the surveying of the site by engineers. The budget is also well studied at the beginning of each project to estimate costs and keep them under the limit.

The skills required to be found in construction engineers of a building company are problem solving, critical thinking, and decision making. They also should keep monitoring the progress of the project on site ensuring that all safety measures are taken by workers and that construction services are completed in a timely manner.

Finally, advanced computer software help engineers solve a lot of problems. This is combined with the high capabilities of engineers when it comes to analyzing information, which leads them to better solve problems and better make their decisions.